take a moment to design your life

Take a moment to design your life, not just build your business

With January flying, It is at these times of year that we tend to calibrate where we are in our lives, good and bad, setting many goals for the year ahead.

Working with many successful clients in my Dreamwealth Financial Strategists businesses I help them with their wealth creation and tax planning, but we also discuss lifestyle. The main goal for most of my connections is not just financial independence, it’s the health, friends and time to enjoy it.

My friends have seen all the holidays I have every year, in fact, my goal is to take at least 8 weeks of vacation and visit four new countries every year (the picture is from a past trip to South America). To do this and keep growing your business and revenue takes planning and dedication to your goals. But it’s definitely worth it!

Your lifestyle goals may be different to mine, perhaps you want more time with your kids, more time for hobbies or just more downtime. Whatever your goals you need a plan.

In my future blogs, I will detail my step by step process I have used to achieve my desired lifestyle and the tips and techniques I apply to my clients.

Let’s plan for a more adventurous 2023 and start the journey together.

If you would like an appointment to discuss your financial needs, email dillon@dreamwealth.com.au

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